

Close your eyes to temptation, but open them because there are people who wait with arms wide-open.

Look into every corner of your heart before arriving to Him. Because the enemy is hidden in the most unexpected places. You need to know it, face it, eliminate it, and the way to The Center will be a straight line.

Close your ears to blasphemies, then open them because there are people who cry for help and you may not hear them.

Open wide your ears to be able to hear the true voice that never lies and is never wrong.

Pray with your hands when building, planting a flower, kneading bread, and writing letters.

Pray with your voice saying “have a good day, sir”, “take a seat, madam”, “yes”, “no”, “thank you”.

Pray with your feet walking the good path.

New life is built with simplicity. And out of this simplicity, beauty is born. Beauty is related to The Creator and He is Love